Tuesday 20 September 2016


Soto Bandung

Untuk / To : 5 porsi / 5 servings
1 porsi / 1 serving  : 298 kalori / 298 calories
Protein : 23,6 gram / 23.6 grams
Lemak / Fat : 13,1 gram / 13.1 grams
Cholesterol : 42 mg 

Bahan :
- 300 gram daging sop
- 100 gram tahu, iris tipis, dan goreng.
- 100 gram kedelai, cuci, dan tiriskan, lalu digoreng
- 200 gram lobak, kupas dan iris tipis
- 1000 ml air untuk merebus
Ingredients :
- 300 grams of meat soup
- 100 grams know, thinly sliced and fried.
- 100 grams of soy, wash and drain, then fried
- 200 grams of radish, peeled and thinly sliced
- 1000 ml of water for boiling

Bumbu yang dihaluskan :
- 2 sdm, bawang putih iris
- 1 sdt, lada
- 1 sdt, jahe iris
- 1 sdm,garam
Softened seasoning :
- 2 tbsp garlic slices
- 1 tsp, pepper
- 1 tsp, ginger slices
- 1 tablespoon salt

Pelengkap saji :
- 100 gram emping
- 3 sdm, bawang merah goreng
- 100 gram cabai merah goreng, rebus, dan digiling halus
- 3 sdm, daun bawang iris.
Complementary serving:
- 100 grams of chips
- 3 tbsp, fried shallots
- 100 grams of red pepper fried, boiled and finely ground
- 3 tbsp, scallion slices.

Cara menbuat :
1.  Rebus daging dengan 1000 ml air hingga daging jadi empuk, angkat dan tiriskan. lalu dipotong seperti kubus, masukkan kembali ke dalam air rebusan daging.
2.  Masukkan bumbu halus dan lobak. Masak hingga sayuran jadi layu dan kaldu beraroma harum. Angkat.
3.  Hidangkan Soto Bandung, panas-panas dengan ditaburi tahu goreng, kedelai goreng, daun bawang iris, bawang goreng serta diberi emping goreng dan sambal cabe rawit.
How to make it :
1. Boil the meat with 1000 ml of water until the meat was rather tender, remove and drain. And  then cut like a small cube, after that put it back into the water stew.
2. Enter the spices and turnips. Cook until the vegetables become wilted and fragrant broth. Lift
3. Serve the Soto Bandug, sprinkled with fried tofu, soy fried, sliced scallions, fried onions and fried chips were given and chili sauce.

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