Wednesday 14 September 2016

CARA MEMBUAT SAYUR SELADA BANGKA_How to make Lattuce of Bangka

Selada Bangka 

Untuk / To  :  5 porsi / 5 servings
1 porsi / 1 serving  : 525 kalori / 525 calories
Protein  :  28,6 gram / 28.6 grams
Lemak / Fat  :  29,4 gram / 29.4 grams
Cholesterol  :  275 mg

Bahan :
- 100 gram kol, iris halus
- 200 gram tauge, buang akarnya
- 150 gram daun selada keriting, potong ukuran 2 cm
- 5 butir telur ayam, rebus dan kupas
- 300 gram kentang, rebus dan potong setebal 1/2 cm
- 100 gram emping goreng
- 200 gram mentimun, iris tipis bulat

Ingredients :
- 100 grams of cabbage, finely sliced
- 200 grams bean sprouts, remove roots
- 150 grams of curly lettuce, cut into 2 cm size
- 5 eggs, boiled and peeled
- 300 grams of potatoes, boiled and cut into 1/2 cm thick
- 100 grams of fried chips
- 200 grams of cucumber, thinly sliced ​​round

Sambal :
- 2 sdm. bawang goreng
- 1 sdm. cabai merah giling
- 250 gram. kacang tanah, goreng dan haluskan
- 25 gram. udang kering, redam dalam air panas dan dihaluskan
- 300 ml. air panas
- 1 sdt. garam
- 1 sdm. gula merah sisir
- 2 cm. jahe, iris halus
- 1 sdt. cuka

sambal :
- 2 tbsp. fried onions
- 1 tbsp. ground red chili
- 250 grams. peanuts, fried and puree
- 25 grams. dried shrimp, damping in hot water and mashed
- 300 ml. hot water
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 tbsp. brown sugar comb
- 2 cm. ginger, finely sliced
- 1 tsp. vinega

Cara membuat :
1.  Sambal :
     - Campurkan semua bumbu sambal kecuali cuka, aduk dan masak hingga mendidih dan menjadi kental.
2.  Tambahkan cuka, aduk hingga rata. Angkat dan dinginkan
3.  Siapkan piring, letekkan dan susun irisan selada, kol, mentimun, tauge, telur, dan kentang. Siramkan sambal di atasnya, dan taburi beberapa emping.

How to make it :
1. Sambal :
    Combine all ingredients except vinegar sauce, stir and cook until boiling and become lumpy.
2. Add vinegar, stir until blended. Remove and let cool
3. Prepare a plate, letekkan and stacking slices of lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, bean sprouts, eggs, and potatoes. Pour sauce on top, and sprinkle some chips.

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