Wednesday 14 September 2016

CARA MEMBUAT SAYUR KARE_How to make Sayur Kare

Sayur Kare

Untuk / To  : 5 porsi / 5 servings
1 porsi / 1 serving  : 223 kalori / 223 calories
Protein  :  4,2 gram / 4.2 grams
Lemak / Fat  :  12,3 gram / 12.3 grams
Cholesterol  :  -
 Bahan :
- 200 gram kentang, kupas, cuci, dan dipotong-potong.
- 100 gram wortel, cuci, da iris dengan ketebalan 1 cm.
- 100 gram kol, potong seperti kubus.
- 100 gram buncis, dipotong kira-kira 3 cm
- 50 gram soun kering, rendam dalam air panas dan tiriskan.
- 800 ml santan encer.
- 2sdm  minyak goreng.
- 1 sdm daun bawang iris.

Ingredients :
- 200 grams of potatoes, peeled, washed and cut into pieces.
- 100 grams of carrots, wash, da slices with a thickness of 1 cm.
- 100 grams of cabbage, cut like a cube.
- 100 grams of beans, cut approximately 3 cm
- 50 grams of dried glass noodles, soak in hot water and drain.
- 800 ml of coconut milk diluted.
- 2 tbsp cooking oil.
- 1 tablespoon sliced ​​green onion.

Bumbu yang dihaluskan :
- 1 sdm bawang merah iris.
- 1sdt jahe iris.
- 1 sdm bawang putih iris.
- 1 sdt lada.
- 1 sdm garam.
- 3 butir kemiri.
- 1 sdt kunyit iris

Softened seasoning :
- 1 tbsp red onion slices.
- 1sdt ginger slices.
- 1 tbsp garlic slices.
- 1 teaspoon pepper.
- 1 tablespoon of salt.
- 3 grains hazelnut.
- 1 tsp turmeric slices

Bumbu lain :
- Iris lengkuas
- 2 lembar daun salam.
- 1 batang sereh yang dimemarkan.

Other spices :
- Iris galangal
- 2 bay leaves.
- 1 stalk lemongrass crushed.

Cara membuat :
1. Panaskan minyak menggunakan panci, tumis semua bumbu hingga keluar aroma wangi. Masukkan santan dan didihkan.
2.  Masukkan kentang dan wortel hingga setengah matang.
3.  Masukkan buncis dan kol  hingga empuk lalu masukkan bawang irirs. angkat.
4.  Hidangkan dan ditaburi soun serta bawang goreng.

How to make it :
1. Heat the oil using a pan, sauté all ingredients until fragrant aroma out. Enter the coconut milk and bring to a boil.
2. Put the potatoes and carrots until half cooked.
3. Enter the beans and cauliflower until tender and enter irirs onions. lift.
4. Serve and sprinkled with glass noodles and fried onions.

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