Tuesday 13 September 2016

ES DELIMA_How to make Es Delima

Es Delima

Untuk / To  : 5 porsi / 5 servings
1 porsi / 1 serving  :  210 kalori / 210 calories
Protein  : 1,06 gram / 1.06 grams
Lemak ? Fat  :  2,1 gram / 2.1 grams

Bahan :
- 200 gram bengkuang, kupas, potong dadu kecil, rebus
- 500 ml air, untuk merebus
- 100 gram gula pasir
- pewarnamerah secukpnya
- 100 gram tepung sagu
- 200 ml santan kental
- 2 lembar daun pandan, simpulkan
- 1 sdt garam
- 500 gram es serut
Ingredients :
- 200 grams of yam, peeled, cut into small cubes, boiled
- 500 ml of water, to boil
- 100 grams of sugar
- Red dye to taste
- 100 grams of corn starch
- 200 ml thick coconut milk
- 2 pandan leaf, conclude
- 1 tsp salt
- 500 grams of crushed ice

Cara membuat :
1. Campur bengkuang rebus dengan pewarna merah. lumuri dengan tepung sagu, aduk hingga  tercampur rata.

2. Rebus kedalam air mendidih hingga matang dan mengapung. angkat dan tiriskan.

3. Rebus santan, gula pasir,daun pandan dan garam sambil diaduk - aduk hingga mendidih dan matang. Angkat.

4.  Penyajian : letakkan dan susun delima kedalam gelas atau mangkuk saji. Tuangkan santan dan es serut. sajikan segera.

How to make it :
1. Mix the boiled yam with red dye. Sprinkle with corn starch, stir until well blended.

2. Boil until cooked into the boiling water and floats. remove and drain.

3. Boil the coconut milk, sugar, pandan leaves and salt, stirring - stir until boiling and mature. Lift.

4. Presentation: place and stacking pomegranate in a glass or serving bowl. Pour the coconut milk and shaved ice. serve immediately.

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