Monday 19 September 2016

CARA MEMBUAT SOP KAKAP ASAM_How to make the Soup of Acid Snapper Fish

Sop Ikan Kakap Asam

Untuk / To : 5 porsi / 5 servings
1 porsi / 1 serving  : 102 kalori / 102 calories
Protein : 21 gram / 21 grams
Lemak / Fat : 0,8 gram / 0.8 grams
Cholesterol : 35 mg 

Bahan :
- 500 gram, ikan kakap (potong jadi 5 potong)
- 5 buah, belimbing wuluh
- 3 sdm, daun kemangi
- 700 ml air
Ingredients :
- 500 grams, snapper (cut into 5 pieces)
- 5 fruit, starfruit
- 3 tbsp, basil
- 700 ml of water

Bumbu yang dihaluskan :
- 2 sdm, bawang putih yang telah diiris
- 2 sdm, bawang merah yang telah diiris
- 1 sdt. jahe iris yang telah diiris
- 1 sdt. kunyit yang telah diiris
Softened seasoning :
- 2 tbsp, garlic that has been sliced
- 2 tbsp, onion which has been sliced
- 1 tsp. ginger slices
- 1 tsp. turmeric that has been sliced

Bumbu lain:
- 1 batang serai
- 2 lembar daun jeruk
- 1 buah tomat yang diiris seperti kubus

Other spices:
- 1 stalk lemongrass
- 2 lime leaves
- 1 tomato sliced like cube

Cara membuat :
1.  Panaskan air di panci, masukkan bumbu yang telah dihaluskan, bumbu lain, dan ikan. Masak hingga mendidih dan bumbu meresap pada ikan tersebut.
2. Hidangkan panas-panas dan ditaburi daun kemangi. 
How to make it :
1. Heat water in a pan, put the spice that has been mashed, other spices, and fish. Cook until boiling and flavors mingle on the fish.
2. Serve them hot and sprinkled with basil leaves.

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